
How to Overcome Bloating Stomach in Babies

How to Overcome Bloating Stomach in Babies

Flatulence in infants can be a cause of frequent fussing. Get to know the signs and know how to overcome them.

Flatulence in babies makes the baby uncomfortable so he becomes fussy and often cries for no reason. Actually, flatulence in infants up to 3 months is a natural thing, because the digestive tract is not functioning properly. As you get older, babies can also experience flatulence because they are starting to try different foods for the first time.

Ways to Overcome Stomach Bloating in Babies - Alodokter
How to Overcome Bloating Stomach in Babies

Bloated Stomach Signs in Babies

In the digestive tract there is indeed gas or air. But the problem is if the gas in it is excessive. In older children or adults, the gas can be easily removed. But in infants, some cannot easily remove gas from their stomach and need help to get it out.

One sign of flatulence in infants is that babies begin to fuss and cry for no apparent reason. If that happens, try to examine the abdomen. If the baby's stomach feels a little hard, and several times throw away the wind, this is a sign that the baby is experiencing flatulence.

Besides being fussy and crying, pay attention to the baby's movements. If he often stretched and arched his back, and raised his legs, it could be a sign that he was feeling bloated.

Causes of Bloating Stomach in Babies

Flatulence in infants can be caused by several things. The following is   some of the causes of flatulence in babies that you need to know.

Food consumed by the mother

The cause of flatulence in babies who still drink breast milk, can be caused by food consumed by the mother. So you need to pay more attention to the food you consume. We recommend that you reduce or avoid foods that will form gas after digestion, such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, onions or potatoes.

Food consumed by babies

In infants aged 6 months who have started eating, you need to pay attention to the food. Vegetables are good for babies, but not all vegetables can be consumed in excess. For example broccoli.Although healthy, if consumed in excess, these vegetables can make your baby's stomach bloated.

Beverages other than breast milk

Babies are not recommended to drink drinks other than breast milk, formula milk and water. Juices can make babies experience diarrhea, abdominal pain and excessive gas because the baby's digestive system is still difficult to digest the fruit sugar or fructose contained in juice.

Baby pacifier

If your baby drinks formula milk from a baby bottle, you should be more careful in choosing the right pacifier. The tip of the pacifier that is too small can make more air into the baby's stomach when he is drinking milk, and can cause stomach problems, such as bloating or abdominal pain. Some baby milk bottles are designed specifically to reduce the air entering the baby's mouth.

How to Overcome Bloating Stomach in Babies

There are several ways you can do to treat flatulence in infants, namely:

Place the baby on the bed in a supine position. Lift both legs and move like you're riding a bicycle.This movement can help remove gas from the baby's stomach.

Gently massage the baby's stomach with a clockwise motion. Just like the previous movement, this method can be done in a sleeping position.

Wipe your back by placing the baby on your thighs with your abdomen facing down or face down.

Feed the baby in a slightly upright position, so that the milk can slowly and smoothly enter the stomach so as not to cause stomach problems.

Feed the baby before he feels hungry. This can minimize the possibility of flatulence in infants due to colds. When the baby has cried hunger, he tends to swallow more wind along with the food.

Bloating in the baby can also be a sign of serious digestive problems, so if the baby is more fussy, it is difficult to defecate, vomit, or even have a fever, you should immediately contact a doctor.

You don't need to panic if your baby is fussy and his stomach feels hard due to bloating. Just do a number of ways that can prevent the appearance of flatulence in infants. But if your baby is very fussy and difficult to calm down, and shows other symptoms, you should consult this with your doctor.

source: way- overcoming-bloating-on-baby

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