
What are the conditions that cause blood urine?

What are the conditions that cause blood urine?

You should not ignore if there is blood in your urine, except for women who are menstruating. Urinating blood can be a sign that there is a problem with your kidneys, urinary tract or prostate. To be sure, a medical examination and laboratory tests are needed.

What are the conditions that cause blood urine? - Alodokter

If it contains blood, urine that appears is brown, red, or bright pink. However, blood in the urine cannot always be seen by naked eye, because in some cases an examination under a microscope will be needed.

What are the conditions that cause blood urine?

Various Causes of Blood Urine

Here are some common conditions that can cause blood urine.

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infections are often caused by E. Coli bacteria. In general the symptoms are pain when urinating, frequent urination, stinging urine odor and can contain blood.In women, it usually feels pain in the pelvis. Whereas in men, in the rectal or rectal. If the infection occurs in the urethra, the drainage from the bladder to the outside of the body through the urethra, you will feel sore when urinating. Whereas if the infection occurs in the bladder, you will feel discomfort in your lower abdomen, urinate frequently, and feel pain. Women have the potential to experience a higher bladder infection than men. This is because a woman's urethra is shorter than a man's, so that bacteria can more easily enter the urethra into the bladder. A more serious condition can occur if the bacteria causes kidney infection. Additional symptoms include high fever, nausea and vomiting, fever, and pain in the side of the back.

Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is abnormal cell growth that occurs in the bladder. Cancer cells generally grow from the deepest layers of the bladder. If this condition gets worse, these cancer cells can spread to the outermost layer of the bladder and attack other parts of the body. One symptom of bladder cancer is bleeding urine. The appearance of blood in this urine can be seen with the naked eye. In addition to bleeding, bladder cancer can also cause a heat sensation when urinating. Most of these symptoms are only felt if the condition is getting worse. Bladder cancer can be caused by several factors, including smoking too often, parasitic infections, exposure to chemicals or radiation and exposure to chemicals.

Kidney disorders

In addition to urinary tract infections, blood urine can also indicate the presence of kidney stones or kidney cancer. Kidney stones can inhibit the urinary tract, so that the results will interfere with the process of urinating. This stone is formed from waste in crystallized blood. This condition can be caused by lack of drinking water, taking drugs that are at risk of affecting the urine content, or are undergoing certain medical conditions. Kidney cancer occurs when there are cells that grow uncontrollably in the kidney.

The trigger is uncertain, but smoking and obesity are risk factors for this condition.Generally kidney cancer is experienced by people aged over 50 years, in this case men are more potential than women. If you have a lump in the kidney area, constant pain under the ribs, and experience blood urination, then it is suspect presence of kidney cancer. Check with your doctor immediately to get appropriate treatment.

Prostate disorders

The prostate gland is between the penis and bladder. When the prostate swells, the bladder and urethra will be compressed. As a result, the bladder will feel full, but it is difficult to urinate. Prostate swelling generally occurs in men over 50 years of age.Believed, the cause is hormonal changes as you age.
Prostate symptoms, including:

- It takes a long time to remove all urine in the bladder.
- The flow of urine is weak.
- After urinating, the urge to urinate again appears, but with less urine quantity.
- urinate with frequency more often.

Meanwhile, prostate cancer can also cause blood urination, accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. Although the cause of prostate cancer is definitely unknown.However, the factors of aging and genetics can increase the risk of getting cancer.

Some tests need to be done to diagnose whether blood urine is experienced due to certain serious conditions. These tests include urine tests, ultrasound examination (USG), and tests of levels of proteins produced by the prostate gland, namely the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA). The earlier you go to the doctor, then blood urine can be treated immediately.


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